Population of Louisville 2019

Louisville is the largest city in the state of Kentucky. It is one of two urban regions in Kentucky named as best of the best line level, with the other being the Kentucky’s second-most noteworthy city of Lexington. The city was developed in the year 1778 by George Rogers Clark, making the city one of the oldest urban areas of the Appalachian Mountains. It is known as the place of the Kentucky Fried Chicken and the University of Louisville. Its fundamental air terminal is likewise the site of UPS’s global air center.

population of Louisville 2019

The city’s initial development was influenced by the way that boats must be emptied and moved downriver before touching the falls. By 1828, the population had swelled to 7,000 and Louisville turned into a joined city. The city developed quickly in its developmental years.


To know the accurate figure in terms of the population of Louisville in 2019, we have to get the population data of the last 5 years. They are as follows:

  1. 2014 –600,285
  2. 2015 –615,366
  3. 2016 –618,956
  4. 2017 –622,536
  5. 2018 - 626,136

We look at the population figures of Louisville from the time of 2014-18 and from that you can see an increment of 25,851 in the past 5 years. Therefore, each year it has been seen that the population of the city increases by around 5170.2. By this, the population of the city of Louisville in 2019 is predicted to be 626,136 + 5170.2 = 631,306.2. Hence, the population of Louisville in 2019 in terms of estimated data = 631,306.2.

Louisville Population 2019 - 631,306.2 Million (estimated)


On account of the city-area merger in 2003, its population had essentially stretched out from the pre-merger scope of Louisville, which held only 245,315 people in 2007. The age insights in the city is 24.3% under 18 years of age, 9% from 18 to 24, 22.8% from the age of 45-64 and 13.5% who are 65 years of age or more. The median age out here was 37 years. For every 100 females, there were 91.60 males.


The population density of the city is about 1.924 persons per square kilometer. To be specific, 30% of the population growth in the whole of Kentucky is actually in Louisville’s CSA. The combination of Louisville and Jefferson County moreover influenced Louisville to grow from 2000 to 2010. The locale has been growing bit by bit because of strong business improvement, an insignificant exertion of living and sensible home expenses. Its growth can similarly be attributed to Kentucky inhabitants moving from common regions to the city, as the state grew by around by 6% from 2000 to 2010.


  1. Since the era of the 1980s, countless cities’ urban neighborhoods have been restored into ranges well known with understudies.

  2. From the middle of the twentieth century, the city has in some ways been divided into three sides of town: the West End, East End and also the South End.

  3. Louisville is home to numerous associations over a couple of mechanical portrayals. Be that as it may, the supporting of the city’s economy since its prior days has been the cargo industries and also shipping as well.

  4. From the time of2003, the borders of Louisville have been very similar to that of Jefferson County.

  5. In the midst of the Civil War, the city was an imperative stronghold of Union powers, which kept Kentucky undauntedly in the Union. It was the point of convergence of provisions, enrolling, and transportation for different fights, especially in the Western Theater.

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