Population of Juneau 2019

Juneau is the capital city of the state Alaska. It is a unified locale situated on the Gastineau Channel and it is the second largest city in the country as far as range. It has been the capital of Alaska from the year 1906, when the assembly of the District of Alaska was moved from Sitka as composed by the U.S. Congress in 1900. Juneau is fairly irregular among U.S. capitals in that there are no roads connecting the city to other parts of Alaska or also other parts of North America (in spite of the fact that ferry services is accessible for cars).

The non-appearance of a road system is because of the amazingly tough territory encompassing the city. This makes Juneau an accepted island city as far as transportation, since all merchandise coming in and out must pass via plane or pontoon, even though situated on the Alaskan territory.

population of Juneau 2019

It is fairly cold over here and also fishing is one of the most prominent activities in the city with a lot of adventure and many people from the United States flock over to here for Fishing. Also, the views are breathtaking that gives you a feel like out of a story book.


To know the accurate figure in terms of the population of Juneau in 2019, we have to get the population data of the last 5 years. They are as follows:

  1. 2014 –33,096
  2. 2015 –33,234
  3. 2016 – 32,468
  4. 2017 – 32,666
  5. 2018 - 32,866

We check out the population of Juneau from the year 2014-18, you can notice a reduction of 230 in the past 5 years. Therefore, each year it has been noticed that the population decreases by around 46. Hence, the population of Juneau in 2019 is expected to be 32,866 – 46 = 32,820. Hence, the population of the city in 2019 as per estimated data = 32,820.

Juneau Population 2019 - 32,820 Million (estimated)


The age dispersal of the city in terms of past data is as per the following: 27% of the occupants were under 18 years, 8% were 18-24, 33% from 25-44 and 6.1% who were 65 years or above. For each 100 females, there were around 101.5 males. The typical pay for a family unit in Juneau was $62,034.


The population density is 4.4 persons per square kilometer. From an entire point of view, its rate of population growth has been directing. Population growth over the traverse of the ongoing years has discovered the center estimation of 1.4 percent reliably every year, showed up differently in connection to 0.9 percent all through the ongoing years. In the present years, it has grown at a yearly rate of 0.8 percent.


  1. The Auke and also the Tuku tribes angled along the Gastineau Channel for a many years before even the Europeans came over here to settle down.

  2. Juneau is situated on the Gastineau Channel amidst the Gulf of Alaska and British Columbia.

  3. In 1881, the diggers renamed the town Juneau, after Joe Juneau, who ought to have gotten more beverages for those people voting on the city name.

  4. In 1916, the Alaska-Juneau gold mine in view of the territory and changed into the biggest task of its kind in this world. The Alaska-Juneau mine made more than $80 million in gold before it was shut amidst World War II.

  5. There are no avenues that join the city to various parts of Alaska or North America in perspective of the extreme view that encompasses it.

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